Who will receive the individual check of the new economic package for the pandemic approved by the Senate? | News from El Salvador

On Sunday, and a few days late, President Trump signed a second economic aid package for families affected by the pandemic, which includes $ 600 direct checks. The lower house plans to vote for a $ 2,000 increase.

Pressed by lawmakers from all walks of life and almost a week late, the president Donald Trump It finally ratified the new aid plan for the US economy on Sunday, the White House announced, extending the benefits to millions of citizens battling the pandemic and crisis.

The $ 900 billion package, which “provides an emergency response to coronavirus and help,” is part of broader legislation that, with Trump’s signature, he will avoid government shutdown or “shutdown” starting Tuesday.

“I sign this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add funds to the business loan program, return our employees to the line of work, adding much more money for the distribution of vaccines and much more “, Said the president in a statement issued from his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where he spends his Christmas holidays.

The change came after a day marked by calls from all political spheres to avoid a social and economic disaster, especially for the most vulnerable population.

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Two federal programs that included unemployment benefits, approved in March as part of an initial plan to help with the coronavirus pandemic crisis, expired at midnight on Saturday, leaving 12 million Americans out, according to the group’s estimates. think tank The Century Foundation.

The incentive package, approved by Congress on December 21, will extend these grants, as well as others that are due to expire in the coming days.

How much money will each family receive?

The new financial aid package includes sending direct checks to each American family for $ 600. But Low room, led by Democrats, plans to vote an increase in the check from $ 600 to $ 2,000, which Republicans oppose on the grounds that it will increase the budget deficit, but which Trump has asked to stamp his signature on Sunday on the stimulus package and federal spending law.

The new package extends federal aid to the unemployed until mid-March and offers secured loans and billions of dollars in aid to small businesses, restaurants, hotels, airlines and other companies.

It also extends moratoriums on evictions for those who cannot pay their rent, suspends enforcement and provides funding for the distribution of covid-19 vaccines.

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This aid is essential for the world’s largest economy, which is severely affected by restrictions on combating the spread of coronavirus.

“I applaud the president’s decision to put billions of dollars in aid to American families crucial to Covid-19,” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell wrote on Twitter.

The Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, called the bill “a preview of what it takes to crush the virus, put money in the pockets of Americans and honor our heroes.”

“We need to take more action quickly,” he added in a tweet.

Who will receive the financial aid check?

All families in the last fiscal cycle billed up to $ 75,000 per adult per year. Most moderate-income families will receive up to $ 600 extra for each child in their care.

Those who billed more than $ 99,000 last year are exempt.

Undocumented immigrants who file taxes will also receive the check, as will those with a social security card, however their minor children, non-working partner or person with a disability must have a social security number to benefit.
