Who is to blame for the children not being able to buy jams?

| 04/04/2021 – 10:18 am (GMT-4)

the youth influence Cuban known as Yessy World has reappeared on social networks to ask the NTV presenter, Humberto Lopez, the reasons why he considers that Cuban children do not have candy.

With her fun style of viewing content on the Internet, marked by friendly reaction gestures and an ironic speech, Yessy World armed herself as usual with ice cream to listen to López’s accusations in her dedicated news space. the artist’s accusation Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara of the desire to manipulate children.

Dressed in one of her clothes at home, influence The Cuban listened to López, who warned last Friday about the provocative action that, according to him, the artist intended to perform this Sunday, April 4, the date on which the anniversary of the José Martí Pioneers Organization and the Youth Union is celebrated. The communists.

Otero Alcántara’s project, which the presenter would have revealed, consists in organizing an exhibition at his home, the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement, where he will exhibit drawings made during a month that reproduce the labels of well-known brands of candy and baby food.

According to the presenter, the artist intended to offer many of those sweets that the children participating in the exhibition will see drawn. The purpose of the plastic action would be, according to the official journalist, to instill in the children the idea that the Cuban government is responsible for the fact that their parents cannot buy them sweets.

Surprised gestures followed Yessy World’s face as she listened to the presenter. “What’s the limit of manipulation?”López once asked in his tirade against Otero Alcántara’s alleged intentions. When he finished his question, the influencer put the presenter on hold.

“Humber … don’t take her with me, I’m sorry I’m the bearer of bad news, but you’re really supreme! … You, who are the most manipulative being, talking about manipulation? “Yessy interrupted indignantly.

“Who is to blame for Cuban children not being able to buy these jams in dollars?” He asks, reminding them of the recent request by Cuban parents that remove goodies from MLC store windows, when he cannot buy them for their children or explains to them that they do not have the currency in which they were sold.

“Whose fault is Humber?” Yessy calls him.

“Don’t be so cynical. In what country do you see that jams should be bought in other currencies? How many children in Cuba do not spend it in parks asking for candy from foreigners? This is not new. Ever since I remember seeing these scenarios “, the young Cuban protested.

„¿¿Why the government does not give parents a chance that they, with their work and effort, can buy sweetness for their children? Who is to blame, people, Otero Alcántara? If Cuba were a normal country, Otero Alcántara would not be able to make such an act and make it striking “, says the influencer.

“It simply came to our notice then. Here’s the one who never seems to have eaten a candy in his life is you … for now. I’ll take it with you! I see you gain a lot of weight every day. Did they increase your chicken quota for all the lies you tell? Manipulate the Cuban people! “, Said Yessy World before saying goodbye to a children’s music song she dedicated to López.

“Even if I look small, if I behave badly, I prefer to be punished, but please don’t deceive me anymore,” a children’s choir sang in the recording with which the young Cuban influencer said goodbye to López.
