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Why you should never delete a sent message WhatsApp? Here we tell you why. The application has become one of the platforms to chat with family, friends, colleagues and even your partner. However, many sometimes tend to make mistakes in writing and delete a message. Do you know why you shouldn’t do it easily? You did not know? What happens? Here we explain what happens when you delete a message sent on WhatsApp and what not. Take notes.

You know what happens when you delete a message from WhatsApp from the mailbox? Unlike the Facebook app, Telegram allows you to edit or edit sent text, even with Signal.

LOOK: Find out what will happen to WhatsApp on February 8 if you have not accepted the new policies

If you have committed a kind of misunderstanding, in the Telegram you simply have to completely delete that message, but in extreme cases. But this does not happen on all platforms.

For now WhatsApp does not implement a method to be able to edit or edit text, such as Telegram. Solo WABeta information reported that a number of changes are coming, such as the ability to make calls on the web platform and even let you know if someone tagged you in a group. What will happen?


You want to delete a message from WhatsApp right now? Stop, you should read this first if you don’t know what will happen to that text:

  • The first thing you should know is that before deleting a message from WhatsAppMake sure the other person is using the latest version of the app, otherwise they will continue to see your normal message.
  • Before deleting a message, it’s best to make sure you’re sent. Always review your text and see if that’s all you want to say, because there are currently various programs that, despite deleting the message, tend to compile them and there is no escape.
For these reasons you should never delete a message on WhatsApp.  (Photo: MAG)
For these reasons you should never delete a message on WhatsApp. (Photo: MAG)
  • If you want to delete a message, you have up to about a minute to delete it if the other person saw it. This, for example, will help you if you want to share a password.
  • In the case of groups, likewise, you have only 1 minute after sending the message and seen by some people to delete it.
  • Finally, and as most of you know, that when you delete a WhatsApp message, it always leaves traces. The phrase “This message has been deleted” will appear on both devices, with no output other than the explanation.

Do you have a problem? Do you have to report it? If you have any problems, you should write to their email address: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also make the same request from your iPhone.

Now, if you need to do a general query, you can fill out the form using this link. There you simply need to put your phone number in addition to your area code, and then write your message after you identify yourself.
