While WhatsApp has been updated, the Facebook app still has a number of features that aren’t enabled, such as the ability to view deleted messages or change the tone of the entire platform. What’s missing? Read this.
That’s why he was born WhatsApp Plus, an alternative for those who do not want to wait for all the news of the original application.
LOOK: WhatsApp Plus: trick to change the color of the application
It should be noted that WhatsApp Plus It first launched the ability to change its application to “dark mode”, it also has the ability to change the color of all your conversations to whatever you want, without discrimination.
But not only that, the latest 13.30 update also allows you to change the color of the application icon to purple, blue, green, red, purple, among others, in a fairly easy way. Do you want to do it?
Before downloading WhatsApp PlusYou should know that if you use this application permanently, the original application may ban your account for life, causing you to lose all conversations. Its use will depend on the user.
- To get started, you need to open WhatsApp Plus on your mobile phone.
- You must enter Settings later.
LOOK: This means the black heart if you use it on WhatsApp
- There you will see a tab that says Themes.
- Click on Themes and you can download the color you want WhatsApp to look like today.
- Download the one you want and click Apply and you’re done. With this, you will already have WhatsApp in blue, purple, yellow, including the icon.
The best WhatsApp tricks
WhatsApp is one of the few applications that care about the experience of its users when they dive into its application, so it is updated frequently, making communication between people more practical and simpler. However, not everyone knows how to make the most of the popular application.
WhatsApp creators have developed various tools so that their users can easily navigate the application. However, this is unknown to a large part of the population, which is why the same company has distributed on its blog a list of the best tricks developed by the application.
1. Voice notes without hands: Just by pressing and holding the microphone icon and swiping up, you can lock the voice memory function to record without having to hold the phone with your hands. An option that works surprisingly!
2. Mark the main messages: To get this option you need to use the “star” message function, where you will mark the key messages that you can easily see in a central location. All you have to do is tap the message you want to save as a favorite and then tap the “star” icon.
If your device is an iPhone, you can find all star-marked messages by accessing Star-marked settings and messages or selecting the chat name and tapping “Star-marked messages.” For Android users, they will have to tap “More options” and then “Recommended messages”.
3. Check messages without touching your mobile phone: If you want to be able to check WhatsApp without having to use your mobile device, all you have to do is download the WhatsApp web desktop application, which will project your conversations from your mobile phone to a computer. This way, you can send messages, photos, and GIFs without having to have your computer in your hands.
4. Use stickers in conversations: Emojis are a thing of the past, today stickers give you a more fun way to express yourself. You can find them in the field where the text is entered in a conversation, in a small square icon with a folded side page, where you can also add your own stickers and bitmojis.
5. Read messages without being online: The option to hide “Read receipts” is not the best option if you want the other person not to realize that you have read their message. That’s why gently lifting the message on the screen and opening the full text on the iPhone lock screen is the best option to go unnoticed.
6. Manage who can add us to groups: There is nothing more inconvenient than being added to a group full of strangers. That’s why WhatsApp has developed the option to manage who can add us to groups.
When you activate the contacts from whom you want to receive messages, these people must send us an invitation link in the application. Only if we accept it can we be added to the group.
To activate a contact, we need to go to Settings> Account> Security> Groups and select from the options: All, My Contacts or My Contacts, except.
7. Be in control of your groups: There is a way to change the group settings so that only we can change the group image or name. To do this, you need to go to Group settings and then Edit group information.