“We deserve just like Puerto Rico”

7 | 04.04.2021 – 11:00 (GMT-4)

The musician and the composer Descemer Okay stated in favor of Cuba being part of the territory United States of America.

The famous artist shared an article on his official Facebook wall Cubadebate, criticizing a conservative American analyst who supports this Cuba once I’m free– becomes another state in your country.

“It simply came to our notice then Puerto Rico“said Descemer, who supports the ideas of American Bill Kristol.

“It’s time for my people to know what it means to live, to have fun, to have the same thing as any country that has at least the freedom of expression. Until someone who respects human beings appears, our Nayib Bukele will be around he added, referring to the current president of El Salvador.

In a subsequent post, the artist shared information from CiberCuba in which the situation of a family from Cienfuegos who asks for a humanitarian visa for the United States, so your four-year-old daughter whoever is dying receives medical treatment.

“And those who do not want a humanitarian annexation for our Island, how many children will leave to the fate of God. There are many people who suffer, please wake up,” said the interpreter Homeland and life.

This week Descemer accused singer Yoel Martínez, a member of duo Buena Fe, to be a country salesman and an envious one.

In a post on his Facebook wall, Descemer told him that he had not written a useful song and could not even play the guitar.

“You’re just another dog’s gatekeeper with less dignity and less shame. When you sell yourself because you smelled the buttocks of those who steal from your country and your people,” he said.

“You are a worse person than a musician, but of course you have to envy everyone who receives international recognition and we will go down in history because we make the best music and we are with people in their worst moments,” he added.

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