Verónica Castro is considered to be quite different when she receives the vaccine against COVID-19 | Mexico United States Instagram NNDC EYE-SHOW

Veronica Castro he left his followers speechless when they came to receive the first dose of coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19). The Mexican actress was vaccinated in Acapulco, a city where she also served her quarantine.

Through social networks, the images of the actress were seen at the vaccination center. Castro was seen without dye in his hair, wearing a comfortable floral dress, sunglasses and a mask.

His mother Christian Castro She was photographed with several health workers, who are quite happy in the pictures.

It should be noted that the 68-year-old actress joins the list of Mexican celebrities who received the vaccine. Among them we have Pedro Sola, Ana Martin, Silvia Pinal, Enrique Guzmán and other.

It should be noted that at the end of 2020 it was known that the actress participated in the film “Tell me when”, where he worked with his son, Michelle Castro. She had a small role in this film and said she was happy with the result.


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