US pharmacies are preparing to offer the general public the vaccine against Covid-19 | impartiality

UNITED STATES.- The American pharmacy chain CVS will start applying vaccines against Covid-19 in old people’s homes for the elderly and sick next month and will offer it to the general public in 2021.

In this regard, CVS was contracted by the United States Department of Health for the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech in 12 US states.

As planned, CVS will deliver the coronavirus vaccine to 40,000 nursing homes over the next 12 weeks and then offer it to the public in more than 10,000 U.S. branches, by appointment, with a capacity of 20 to 25. million monthly applications.

The supermarket chain Walmart had also announced that it would sell and apply the coronavirus vaccine in its pharmacies, for which it purchased freezers and dry ice to store the drug in its warehouses.

Meanwhile, other countries such as Hungary and France have started applying the first doses, and the rest of the European Union will do so between Sunday and next month.

With snippets of information from SDPnoticias

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