This was the last goodbye of Ximena Hita, Miss Aguas Calientes 2020

Mexico City.

It was announced on January 1 the death of Miss Aguas Calientes 2020, Ximena Hita.

The passing beauty queen, at the age of 21, caused a stir on social networks, as it is believed that the young woman he could have taken his own life.

Yesterday, the young woman’s family organized a mass of the body present at the Altar of Guadalupe Aguascalientes.

Allí, loved ones from Ximena hita they came together to offer it last goodbye the beautiful Mexican model.

journalist Nelssie Carrillo shared in his account Instagram a video showing friends and family visibly moved by Ximena’s departure.

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That’s how a queen is fired“With this description, journalist Nelssie Carrillo shared in his account Instagram a video in which the young woman’s friends and family are seen, visibly moved by his departure.

In the clip you can see a group of people located around the coffin of beauty.

Among the loved ones who participated in Ximena’s funeral they were students of Degree of medical and paramedical care.

According to Las Estrellas, Mario García, a member of the social communication department of the police in Aguascalientes, He reported that The model was found dead at her home on January 1, for which it was established in the first instance that He had taken his own lifeHowever, investigations are still ongoing.

Ximena hita I was 21 years old and accurately promoted aid for young people with suicidal tendencies.

With Ivonne Hernández created Vidas con Sense Foundation (Vicsen), precisely to create awareness in children and young people with these types of thoughts, because they are objects of harassment, violence or drugs.

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“We are in shock, We can’t believe this situation, we are sad, dismayed, with a broken heart, we can’t say more “, he said. Hernández in the interview. “She was always a very happy, happy girl and she loved everything she did.”

The Mexican media managed two versions, one indicating this The heat He hanged himself, and another indicates that he died as a result of drug use.

However, Hernández asked to wait for the official report from the authorities.

“We don’t really know the circumstances or how it was, the police didn’t give a verdict either, so please be careful”, he showed.
