They are investigating the death of a child under 5 in Ponce

Police reported the death of a minor under five yesterday afternoon, in the emergency area of ​​the San Lucas Diagnosis and Treatment Center, located in the EL Tuque neighborhood of Ponce.

According to the information received from the Press Office, the applicant Wanda Acosta was interviewed and informed the Police that she transported her daughter, under the age of 5, to the mentioned hospital, because she told her that she had pain in her limbs and while in the waiting room, the minor began to show apparent respiratory distress. Immediately afterwards, the minor was assisted by one and a nurse from the hospital institution, where later at 5:22 in the afternoon, the death was certified by Dr. Pérez. It was reported that at the time of the investigation, the minor showed no visible signs of violence.

The initial investigation was conducted by Agent Laracuente inside Ponce Oeste. Sergeant Alex Ruiz, the on-duty supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Corps in the Ponce area, was informed and went to the scene together with agents Héctor Cappas from Homicide and Roberto Leandry from the Technical Services, who were in charge of the investigation, on next to the Prosecutor Fabiola Rivera issued a note and ordered the transfer of the body to Forensic Sciences for the purpose of the autopsy. The Family Department was informed, which gave the reference number.
