Summer 2021 | 7 Tips for a Healthy Diet During the Season Healthy living LIFETIME

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Algunos tips que debemos seguir si no queremos echar a perder esta temporada de <font color=summer with health problems due to poor eating habits. (Photo: Pexels) “class =” story-content__gallery-img w-full “importance =” high “/>
7 tips to not neglect your summer diet

Some tips to follow if we don’t want to ruin it this season summer with health problems due to poor eating habits. (Photo: Pexels)

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Si no puedes vivir sin helado en la estación de verano, puedes <font color=do it yourself at home with fruit and milk or yogurt. A fun and healthy practice. (Photo: Pexels)” class=”lazy story-content__gallery-img w-full ” importance=”low”/>
1. Beware of ice cream

If you can’t live without ice cream in the summer season, you can do it yourself at home with fruit and milk or yogurt. A fun and healthy practice. (Photo: Pexels)

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Better grilled, grilled, steamed or baked food.  And if you accompany it with a healthy and light sauce, such as vinaigrette, you will no longer need additives.  (Photo: Pexels)
2. Avoid fried foods

Better grilled, grilled, steamed or baked food. And if you accompany it with a healthy and light sauce, such as vinaigrette, you will no longer need additives. (Photo: Pexels)

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The heat demands it.  Always carry a bottle or tomato of water and enjoy lemonades and natural juices.  (Photo: Pexels)
3. Always hydrate

The heat demands it. Always carry a bottle or tomato of water and enjoy lemonades and natural juices. (Photo: Pexels)

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Enjoy seasonal fruits such as watermelon, melon, mango or grapes, because in addition to being rich in vitamins, it provides us with fiber, antioxidants and helps us stay hydrated.  (Photo: Pexels)
4. How to fructify

Enjoy seasonal fruits such as watermelon, melon, mango or grapes, because in addition to being rich in vitamins, it provides us with fiber, antioxidants and helps us stay hydrated. (Photo: Pexels)

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Hearty meals are appealing, but we must never regret eating too much.  Eat your filling, never the filling (Photo: Pexels)
5. Beware of binges

Hearty meals are appealing, but we must never regret eating too much. Eat your filling, never the filling (Photo: Pexels)

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Fish gives us protein and is easy to digest.  In the beach places, in addition, we will find it in fresh markets and at a good price.  (Photo: Pexels)
6. Eat fish

Fish gives us protein and is easy to digest. In the beach places, in addition, we will find it in fresh markets and at a good price. (Photo: Pexels)

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Large meals cause us to omit the following, which creates anxiety for the next one, causing us to overeat.  (Photo: Pexels)
7. Make a program

Large meals cause us to omit the following, which creates anxiety for the next one, causing us to overeat. (Photo: Pexels)
