Shots bar: The Israelis offered drinks at home with their vaccine

TEL AVIV (Reuters) – An Israeli bar doubled as a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Thursday, with free drinks offered to those shot.

More than 43 percent of Israel’s 9 million population received at least one dose of Pfizer Inc. vaccine, the health ministry said. But officials are worried that turnout could decline and prevent Israeli plans to begin reopening the economy.

With many bars forced to close due to the pandemic, the Jenia gastropub in Tel Aviv, in partnership with the municipality, has opened its doors to an unusual type of owner: new vaccinators, attracted by the supply of drinks in the house.

The drinks were non-alcoholic as a precautionary measure.

“I thought it was a great opportunity to come and get the vaccine, because I didn’t have the time or the ability to go elsewhere,” said May Perez, among dozens of people who showed up for the first photos.

Written by Dan Williams; Editing by Nick Macfie
