Joe Biden: “Don’t you dare call them protesters. They were domestic terrorists “

Washington – President-elect Joe Biden said on Thursday that the angry mob that stormed the Washington Chapter were “domestic terrorists” and blamed President Donald Trump directly on events.

Speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden said the hundreds of Trump supporters who invaded the Chapter are not protesters. “It simply came to our notice then. It was not a protest. Don’t you dare call them protesters. They were an unbridled mob, insurgents, domestic terrorists, “Biden said in a speech in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden said Trump was guilty of “trying to use a crowd to silence the voices of nearly 160 million Americans” who voted in November.

He noted that the president “clearly showed his contempt for our democracy, our constitution, the rule of law in everything he did and launched a” frontal attack “on the country’s democratic institutions, which led to violence. Wednesday.

The president-elect also criticized police action, saying “a clear failure to administer justice” was committed with the same staff.

“No one can tell me that if it had been a group in the Black Lives Matter movement protesting yesterday, they would not have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs who stormed the Chapter,” he warned.

The unprecedented assault on Congress by thousands of Trump supporters, including right-wing extremists and white supremacists, after attending an event with the president, led to the evacuation of lawmakers and extensive damage to the U.S. legislature.

At this time, police authorities have announced the arrest of 68 people.

Trump avoided condemning what happened and limited himself to urging his followers to “go home” after describing the day as incredible, which sparked a wave of outrage in the United States and among his international allies.

Biden is scheduled to take over as president on January 20th.

With information from AP and EFE.
