Eric Garner’s mother says Lieutenant Caron Nazario, who was sprayed with pepper spray by police in Virginia, is part of her family

Nazario was stopped by two police officers in Windsor, Virginia, in December. During the traffic stop, for what police believed was a license plate number, officers sprayed Nazario with pepper spray and pushed him to the ground with their guns out, according to camera footage of the body.

“I didn’t even know it was him when I saw the video,” said Gwen Carr, Garner’s mother, during a panel discussion Wednesday at the National Action Network’s annual convention. “I was too shocked to know.”

Carr’s niece is the one who told her the man in the video was Nazario, Carr said.

“This is happening again, you know,” Carr’s niece said, according to Carr. “First to my cousin, then to my cousin.”

From left to right: Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner;  Sequette Clark, Stephon Clark's mother;  Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin;  Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown's mother;  and lawyer Benjamin Crump speak at the National Action Network (NAN) Virtual Convention 2021 in New York on Wednesday.

Carr did not explain exactly how she and Nazario are related in her comments, but said she saw him at a funeral in February.

He was traumatized. He couldn’t say anything about it. He thought the police would retaliate, but thank goodness he got it out. And I want everyone to pray for him, ”she said.

Garner, a 43-year-old black man, died after police officers tried to arrest him for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally in New York in 2014. The video of the arrest shows an officer using a choke hook while Garner yells, “I can not breathe . “

Garner’s death, which occurred three weeks before Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri, was one of the last straws that sparked a wave of police accountability calls and brought the Black Lives Matter movement to the forefront of the national consciousness.

CNN’s Laura Ly and LaCrisha McAllister contributed to this report.
