China’s first Hualong One nuclear reactor begins commercial operation

PHOTO OF FILE: A model of the “Hualong One” nuclear reactor is presented at the stand of the National Nuclear Corporation of China (CNNC) at an exhibition in Beijing, China, April 29, 2017. REUTERS / Stringer

BEIJING (Reuters) – China National Nuclear Corp. said the first of its Hualong One units, the third-generation nuclear pressurized water reactor, began trading on Saturday.

The Fuqing reactor in southeast China’s Fujian Province was first connected to the grid on November 27 last year after more than five years of construction work.

“This marks the fact that China has mastered third-generation independent nuclear power technology, followed by the United States, France, Russia and others,” the company said in a statement on its official WeChat account.

Hualong One units, designed to have a lifespan of 60 years, have an installed capacity of 1,161 million kilowatts each, CNNC said.

The construction of a second Hualong One unit on the Fuqing site is to be completed this year.

CNNC said the project will help China ensure its national energy security and achieve carbon neutrality.

Reporting by Min Zhang and Norihiko Shirouzu; edited by Jane Wardell
