Albert Rodríguez’s relatives and friends come to his home to pay tribute to him

Relatives and former co-workers and diners of Albert Rodríguez, who died today at the age of 58, arrived this afternoon at the residence of the actor and comedian from Bayamón to offer support and embrace the family.

Deddie Romero, Marian Pabón, Jorge Castro, Cristina Soler, René Monclova, Suzette Bacó, Wanda Sais, Francis Rosas, Kiko Blade and Eyra Agüero were some of those who came dismayed by the sudden death of whom they described her as a brother.

Around 5:48 p.m., there was loud applause in Rodriguez’s honor, minutes before his body was transferred to the body.

“A brother has left us”Comedian and producer Emmanuel “Sunshine” Logroño said he was dismayed when he left the residence with his colleagues, including: producer Gilda Santini.

Although the details of the funeral are still unknown, Monclova, who acted as a spokesman for family and friends, said she hopes to coordinate a village vigil at a theater in Bayamón and that Rodríguez will later be buried in Añasco, his hometown. of his family.

He also indicated that the death was due to natural causes. “He already had some health conditions and it seemed to be something to do with his diabetes,” said Monclova, who described Rodriguez as “a wonderful, wonderful guy, I laughed a lot, a great worker.”

René Monclova served as a spokesperson for friends and family.

According to Monclova, loud applause was a way for them to save themselves and recover from each other in many ways. “Those applauses are a way to express them, it’s the best way we can talk. It is our common language “, said Monclova.

“We will miss him very much. Albert’s personality, his humor, the wonderful advice he gave us, the smile, you know that (contagious) smile and his presence. (It’s) a big loss, it’s going to make a big hole in the theater, in school, “said Rosas, who worked with Rodriguez on” El Remix “a few hours before he got to the property. mentor in comedy and highlighted his skills as a director, a position he assumed when Logroño was gone.

For his part, the mayor of Bayamón, Ramón Luis Rivera, Jr., expressed his respect for Rodríguez when he left the residence where he went to offer his condolences. “She was a very humble person, very earthy. I think even he felt a little bit when someone asked him for a photo and nobility, if you asked him for a favor, “he said.
