Zimbabwe begins the 30-day blockade as infections grow

A worker disinfects a bus in Harare, Zimbabwe, on December 31, 2020.

Photographer: Wilfred Kajese / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

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The Zimbabwean government plans to begin 30 days of blocking regulations following an increase in coronavirus infections during the holiday season, Vice President Constatino Chiwenga said late Saturday.

“Meetings are reduced to a maximum of 30 people at all funerals,” Chiwenga told reporters in the capital Harare. “All other gatherings at weddings, churches, bars, bottle shops, gym, restaurants are prohibited for 30 days. Restaurants, bottle shops and bars are closed for 30 days, except for bars and restaurants serving hotel residents. “

Essential services, such as hospitals, pharmacies and supermarkets, with only essential staff, can open.

NOTE: December 30th Zimbabwe’s tax authorities confiscate Harare’s bank accounts
