Yustin Arboleda explodes and accuses one of the Real Sociedad racism players – Diez

The city of Olanchito became the home of the Royal Society, after the punishment of the Disciplinary Commission and there they received the meringue Olimpia, where they tied 2-2.

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During the game there was some friction between the players, and one of them was between Yustin Arboleda and Jorge Claros, who before the end of the first half had to be calmed by referee Marlon Díaz.

The fever of the players did not stop here and when the first 45 minutes of the game ended, the Colombian striker reacted very annoyed and had to be controlled by his teammates.

Olimpia’s striker could be clearly heard shouting: “No racism, no racism”, while his colleagues reassured him to avoid major problems.

In action, it was even possible to see the Argentine coach, Pedro Troglio, who went to calm the waters and hugged Jorge Claros and calmed down a bit as they followed the road to the locker room.

The problem of racism is something that has been punished all over the world and it is not possible for this type of episode to take place in our football.
