Xi Jinping’s thinking: China issues guidelines for school children


Photographer: Nicolas Asfouri / AFP / Getty Images

Chinese schoolchildren are set to intensify the study of President Xi Jinping’s teachings ahead of the government’s centennial celebration in July.

The party’s central committee on Wednesday issued new guidelines to boost ideological education among young Chinese pioneers, a national youth organization with which it is affiliated. The guidelines stated that all primary school children and the first two years of secondary school should have one class per week for Young Pioneer activities, and basic training materials for teachers should be designed by Xi.

The members of the Young Pioneers should be taught to “firmly heed” Xi’s teachings and “do what Xi taught,” the guide said.

In China, everyone, from diplomats to directors to SF writers, is under pressure to incorporate into their policies the broad, often unclear principles of “Xi Thought” as part of the effort to elevate it alongside Maoism and contribute to strengthen the President’s effort to continue cement control.

Read more: The rise of “Xi thought” shows a long future for human rule in China

The document also called for children to be taught that “today’s happy life ultimately comes from the correct leadership of the party” as well as “from the superiority of our socialist system”.

Strengthening “political enlightenment and the formation of values” among children is of strategic importance to ensure that “red eyelashes are passed down from generation to generation,” a party spokesman, the People’s Daily, said on the front page on Thursday. citing guidelines.

Another state-backed newspaper, China Daily, quoted the guidelines in a the song entitled “Cultivating children seen as strategic”. The newspaper wrote that children are the future of the nation and the Communist Party, which has always made cultivating the country in a good way a “strategic” and “fundamental” task.

The role of pioneers
