WSJ on Trump criticism: he is ‘unhappy with us because we recognize reality’

The editors of the Wall Street Journal fired back Thursday after criticism from a former President TrumpDonald Trump Trump State Department Appointed Arrested In Connection With Capitol Riot Intelligence Community Investigating Bonds Between Lawmakers, Capitol Rioters Michelle Obama Rejects ‘Partisan Actions’ To ‘Restrict Access to the Ballot Box’, saying that he is “unhappy with us because we recognize reality”.

“Former Presidents and Vice Presidents have told us how psychologically difficult the first months of lost political power can be. We can therefore empathize with former President Trump being frustrated these days, and that may explain his attack on us Thursday for his role in the GOP’s loss of the Senate, ”the editorial said.

The piece came hours after Trump hit the outlet for calling on Republicans to abandon him and blaming his GOP critics for Senate losses in Georgia.

“They’re fighting for RINOS who have hurt the Republican Party so badly,” Trump said in a statement on the paper’s traditionally conservative opinion section. “That’s where they are and that’s where they will always be. Fortunately, no one cares about the editors of The Wall Street Journal anymore. They have lost their credibility. “

However, the editor joked back, “For someone who says we don’t matter, he certainly spends a lot of time reading and responding to us. Thanks for the attention.”

“What really seems to annoy Mar-a-Lago’s most famous resident is not his caricature of our policy differences,” the Journal board wrote. “It is that we recognize the reality that Mr. Trump is the main reason the Republicans lost two races in the Georgia Senate in January and the majority in the Senate. Mr. Trump refuses to take responsibility for those defeats, contrary to all evidence. “

The outlet’s first editorial had detailed the many election losses of the GOP since Trump took office.

The newspaper wrote that despite Trump’s claims about his dominance, he lost it President BidenJoe Biden, Trump State Department appointee arrested in connection with Capitol FireEye riot finds evidence Chinese hackers have been exploiting Microsoft email app flaw since January Biden officials to travel to border amid influx of young migrants LAKE with 7 million votes and failed to win two traditionally red states: Arizona and Georgia.

During Trump’s tenure, Republicans lost the House, Senate, and White House. The former president’s approval score never reached more than 50 percent in most polls, the editorial said.

He took the GOP two races in the Georgia Senate on Jan. 5, because he made his allegations about electoral fraud the main issue instead of Mr. Biden and Nancy PelosiNancy Pelosi Overnight: Capitol Police May Ask National Guard to Stay | Biden’s Pentagon Policy Nominee Faces Criticism | Naval Academy Midshipmen Relocated to Top Republican Hotels: ‘Scandalous’ To Extend National Guard Deployment At Capitol Progressives Won’t Oppose Bill On Stimulation Control Limits MORE, “wrote the editorial.” Mr. Trump essentially told his supporters in Georgia that their votes didn’t matter, and many stayed at home. The GOP has lost the Senate. ”

The Journal echoed all of its original arguments after Trump lashed out, saying, “It’s important to the future of the GOP.”

“To lose Joe Biden of all people, and with 7.1 million votes as the sitting president, must be painful. Counseling could be okay. Any good analyst will explain that the first step to recovery is to accept reality. The same is true for Republican voters who want to win back Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024, ”the board wrote.
