WSJ: Donald Trump has forced a prosecutor’s resignation for failing to act on alleged fraud


The White House forced the resignation of a federal prosecutor this week Georgia for not supporting outgoing President Donald Trump’s attempts to investigate an alleged electoral fraud in that important state he lost in last November’s election, as reported Saturday The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The prosecutor, Byung J. Pak, who had been nominated by Trump himself, surprisingly announced his resignation last Monday, one day before the second round of the elections for the Senate in Georgia, which ultimately takes control of the House of Lords to the Democrats.

According to the WSJ, citing anonymous sources, the resignation came after a senior official from the Justice called at the request of the White House to Pak and ordered him to leave the post.

The reason, according to the paper, is that Trump felt the prosecution was not doing enough to investigate the alleged election fraud during last November’s presidential elections, which the president has denounced without evidence since his defeat.

The resignation came a day after the audio of a phone call from Trump to the secretary State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, demanding that he “find” thousands of votes in his favor in the state.

As the WSJ also revealed on Saturday, the outgoing president had already contacted another state official in December prior to that call to demand evidence of the alleged fraud and other representatives of the White House they had been doing the same for weeks.

The authorities of Georgia have so far refuted all of Trump’s alleged allegations election fraud in the state, which the now president lost by 11,779 votes in the November elections and where there have already been three counts to confirm the results of the election.

Trump has also denounced alleged fraud in other states where he lost and has filed several lawsuits that have been dismissed by judges to date.

This week, the US Congress endorsed the Democrat’s victory Joe Biden one day when he had to stop his meeting for hours because of the attack on the Capitol starring supporters of the outgoing president and that left four dead.
