With the new firmware update, PS5 should stop random installation of PS4 discs

If you’re still trying to find a PlayStation 5, you know you’re missing out on some weird early console oddities.

It looks like it will be some time before Sony starts pushing new system-level features for the PlayStation 5. For now, there’s a lot of order – making sure there aren’t moldy crumbs everywhere.

The latest PS5 firmware update, version 20.02-02.50.00, was released today.

What’s new? Not too much. There are improvements to the stability / performance preferred by the crowd to help us keep our technological belief, a low quality of life editing function for Share Factory Studio, and a solution to a rare but tedious installation problem that has caused problems for some players. with cross-genre titles.

  • This system software update improves system performance.
  • In rare cases, the PS4 version of a game would install from the disk after you upgrade and install the PS5 version. Now when you insert the PS4 game disc, the PS4 version will not be installed unexpectedly.
  • You can now select and edit videos using Share Factory Studio in your media gallery.

Think about it, I haven’t put a disc in the PS5 yet – partly because I still have the PS4 Pro connected to a separate TV – but dishonest installations are never fun. We hope this is the last of them.

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