Winners of “gifts” on social media must report it on the form

Germany adopted the “Facebook Law” in 2017 to delete certain messages from the Internet. – Getty Images

It is considered taxable income before the Treasury Department

From Puerto Rico Metro

Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 9:46 p.m.

Germany adopted the “Facebook Law” in 2017 to delete certain messages from the Internet. – Getty Images

The Secretary of the Treasury Department, Francisco Parés Alicea, shared today an information that left social media users surprised and somewhat thinking about the next contest in which they participate.

And the secretary explained that the famous “gifts” that are made in social networks where influencers or business accounts give prizes to their followers, are also taxable in salaries.

“The famous ‘gifts’ should be considered taxable income in the payroll of the winner of the award,” wrote Parés Alicea.

The only way to exclude these awards from the list is whether they are literary, journalistic, scientific, artistic and industrial or professional development awards that have been awarded in competitions to promote any of these disciplines.

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