Will the James Harden trade take place soon? Sources indicate that he could – Athletic

When James Harden brought the messy Houston Rockets melodrama to the center of the scene late Tuesday night, announcing during his 90-second zoom session after the game that “it’s something I don’t think can be solved,” a natural question arose: was it a trade at last? about to happen?

Looks like that might be the case.

Sources tell Athletic that the Rockets are looking at offers for a potential deal with James Harden from two teams – the Brooklyn Nets and the Philadelphia 76ers – that could culminate quickly. About two months after he asked to be changed for the first time and with the missiles (3-6) dripping, while the tension is so clearly revealed among his teammates, the situation clearly reaches a breaking point and an understanding it seems almost inevitable. But who will choose the Rockets?

The Nets have prepared a package to Houston for Harden, with all four upcoming first-round picks and three upcoming picks …
