Will Smith survived 2020 as a legend and shows it

If anyone knows what it’s like to survive a global crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s actor Will Smith because of his character in “I’m a Legend.”

Although in reality humanity has not reached the end of the film, it does exist several situations that were experienced at the end of this year that resemble those in the film directed by Francis Lawrence, and this became a cult by fans, and the actor himself instructed them to say goodbye with humor until 2020 and welcome 2021.

Smith shared a clip on his social media in which he portrays a few moments of fiction in which he plays the scientist Robert Neville in a world infested with what seems to be zombies and closes with a “Happy New Year to all! “

May your year be LEGENDARY. Or, wait … No … Don’t be legendary. Let it be just … a NORMAL FUND YEAR!

Posted by Will Smith on Thursday, December 31, 2020

Maybe his year was legendary. Or wait … maybe it wasn’t legendary. You simply have to be a fucking normal year, “wrote Smith.

And it is the fact that throughout the film we see how his character lives in isolation in a house where he only goes out to eat or look for survivors, because it seems that he is the only human being left.

Among the comments, there is no shortage of people to say no to spoilers for 2021, because we could address what is happening in the science fiction film.

May your year be LEGENDARY. Or, wait ... No ... Don't be legendary. Let it be just ... a NORMAL FUND YEAR!

Posted by Will Smith on Thursday, December 31, 2020

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