Will Smith does not rule out running for president of the United States

Mexico City.

Will Smith joined the filmmaker Jon favreau to podcast “Pod Save America”, de The crooked media, in his program on Monday, March 1, to talk about policyand I told the co-host that does not exclude a candidacy for the presidency of the United States future.

“I think for now, I’ll let the office clean up a bit,” the 52-year-old actor said with a laugh.

“Then, I will consider applying at some point later… I certainly have an opinion that I want to be listened to, I am optimistic, I am full of hope, I believe in understanding between people and I believe in the power of harmony ”.

Smith he joked before about get involved in politics, but has not yet made the final leap in this area.

In 2015, he made headlines for short stories CBS Sunday Morning that he would be forced to presidential candidates if the current social conversation has not changed.

“If people keep saying all the crazy things they’ve been saying on the news lately, they’ll force me into the political arena,” the producer said at the time.

I have to be the president, Know? What else would I apply? “

During his conversation with Favreau, 54 years old, and director and creator of The Mandalorian, the Grammy Award winner referred to his connection to former President Barack Obama, who gave him permission to play him in a biopic.

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“I will definitely do my part, whether it remains artistic or at some point I venture into the arena policy“The rapper pointed out.” The idea (to bring Obama to life) came up, he looked me up and down and said, “Well, you definitely have ears for that.”

The actor from The prince of rap Yes The independence Day participated in the podcast to promote it new program Edit: Fight for America, a six-episode Netflix documentary series exploring the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Various guests take part in the episodes, including Mahershala Ali, Diane Lane and Samuel L. Jackson, who recite speeches by lawyers and enemies of the amendment.

“It has always inspired me that the process of education and understanding can alleviate some of the most dangerous and difficult aspects of racism which, unfortunately, have been embedded in the very fibers of our country,” he said. Smith.
