Why you shouldn’t worry about black people and the COVID vaccine

Illustration for the article entitled Black paranoia and the COVID vaccine, explained

Photo: Romantic Studio (Shutterstock)

Explain that I am a 5-year-old racistLike the popular “Explain to me as if I were 5” subreddit, which simplifies complex problems into easy-to-understand, digestible bites, “Explain as if I’m a 5-year-old racist” between race, economics and politics, making them so simple, even a small big child could understand them.

Hey, racist kid! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.

Hi my brother. A Lakers salami.

What does that mean, your little mustache? Wait … are you trying to say “As-Salaam-Alaikum?”

Yes. My father says that’s how you greet “you.” Ever since the government imprisoned us and taken away my rights not to wear a mask, I understand you much better. As the great Moses Malone said to Jay Pharoah, “Let my people go!”

Stop, my little nationalist. Go too far. Please don’t tell me that your racist parents turned you into an anti-masked man.

Not all masks. The white hood is still OK. But today, my mother says that “the oppressor wants to turn us into slaves,” so he allowed me to receive some advice from you. In addition, he said you would understand why we should not get the vaccine.

Good. My little Nazi Nazi, I hate to disappoint you, but I get the vaccine as soon as I get the chance.

But you are black! Did I think black people didn’t get the vaccine? I read it in newspaper and I saw him in Time Magazine.

I know Racist Baby.

But it’s just something the media does to claim to be interested in “talking about race.” According to a Reuters poll, about 37 percent of blacks said they were not interested in getting the COVID vaccine, compared to 30 percent of white people. A Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 62 percent of people of color would “certainly” get the coronavirus vaccine or “probably” get it. Most people-White or black – they said they intended to get the vaccine.

Only 15% of black adults said that “for sure not take the vaccine, ”which is literally exactly the same percentage of whites who expressed that feeling.

Instead of trying to persuade black Americans to get the vaccine, the media should focus on the largest group that is reluctant to be inoculated with coronavirus.

What group is that?

White people.

The same polls show that Republicans are the largest group of people in America who said they “probably won’t” or “certainly won’t.” Look at this chart.

Illustration for the article entitled Black paranoia and the COVID vaccine, explained

Graph: KFF.org

Conformable Pew Research, about 53 percent of white people identify as Republicans. And, since there are about 197 million white people In America, this means that about 27 million white people may not be vaccinated against this deadly virus, compared to 15 million black Americans..

But we all have good reasons, don’t we? I know that black people are worried about repeating the government experiment in which doctors injected Tuskegee Airmen with syphilis. See, I know my black history!

Not really, racist kid.

The Tuskegee syphilis study was a 40-year medical experiment in which Public Health Service officials told black men who tested positive for syphilis that they were being treated for “bad blood.” In fact, they were not treated at all.

Wow. So I can understand why this makes black people reluctant.


Also, black people are not reluctant because of the Tuskegee experiment.

Although the narrative of news reports portrays blacks as uneducated conspiracy theorists, 71% of black patients say they want to proceed with caution because they are worried about side effects. The same percentage of people of color expressed concern about the short period of development. Only 48% of black adults expressed a lack of confidence in the willingness of developers to take into account the needs of black people.

Mumps vaccine ( the fastest vaccine ever developed) lasted four years. African Americans just make up 5% of participants in clinical trials and over 90 percent of volunteers in Phase I and II AstraZeneca clinical trials were white. “A similar lack of diversity was found in Modern phase I process and Phase I and II study by Pfizer and BioNTech“Healthline reports. Also, a 2018 report from the US Department of Health and Human Resources evaluated found that even the most objective measures of quality of care showed that white people received better care from doctors than black patients.

This is not paranoia; this is just science.

I feel you, my brother. That is why we oppressed people must stay together.

Not really, my brother. White people were not concerned with these things.

According to the KFF, 71% of Republicans believe that vaccination is a personal choice, while everyone else says it is “part of everyone’s responsibility to protect others.” Half of whites and 57 percent of Republicans who were cautious about the vaccine attributed their reluctance to believe that “the risks of COVID-19 are exaggerated.”

So how can we get white Republicans to get the vaccine?

Well, given the medical discrimination, lack of care, and social inequality that white people have never had to deal with, maybe I have five marketing slogans that could work:

  • Every time a white person gets vaccinated, a black person loses their right to vote.
  • The vaccine makes children immune to the reversal of racism, and the gay agenda The 1619 project.
  • Barack Obama, Ilhan Omar and Black Lives Matter created the coronavirus to destroy America, and this is the only way to stop the white genocide.
  • One of the side effects of the vaccine is that white women will no longer find black men attractive.
  • The vaccine will give you the opportunity to find Hillary’s emails, “stop the theft” and clap your hands.

And how will they persuade black people to get the vaccine?

As a certified and registered person of color, I have no idea.

Maybe you should make sure the vaccine is safe. Seventy-two percent of blacks surveyed said they either plan to get vaccinated as soon as they become available, or “wait until they are available for a while to see how it works for others.”

However, I know what it will not work.

Condensing historically legitimate, scientifically accurate concerns into a collective paranoia of blacks, rather than addressing the actions that white people, the medical community, and America in fact he did and I still do it to black people it never worked. Probably our rappers and politicians who prefer to pose for pictures won’t work either.

My only suggestion is – and I know it sounds crazy – if it would explain the importance of vaccination for people of color as if they were people? What if the healthcare industry recognized the harm they had done to non-white communities and committed to treating black patients the same as white patients? Maybe they should send medical workers to churches and black neighborhoods – not because of some kind of affirmative action warrant, but because of these are the communities that COVID-19 hits the hardest.

On second thought, they’ll probably just try to get Beyoncé and LeBron to post photos on Instagram.

Is that why you get the vaccine?

No, I don’t want to die and I don’t want to be responsible for other people’s deaths. I have this thing about dark lives; I think it matters.

Besides, I want to go out.

Well, I have to go to the mask protest and I still haven’t cleaned my gun. See you later.

Salami Lakers for you, my little friend.
