Why will Roberto Palazuelos be the heir of Andrés García?

Roberto PalazueloS will be the lucky heir of half of the estate and wealth from Andres Garcia, whom he has often called his second father, and it seems that he will receive the fruits of that friendship.

How do we inform you in The Truth News what the Andres Garcia prepared a will where you chose Roberto Palazuelos as its main heir and the “black diamond” responded to this.

Andrés García reveals that he has prepared his will

Andrés García will leave more legacy to Roberto Palazuelos than to his children

“I suggested that he put me in the position of executor, so that I could order all his relatives to distribute his goods, because he felt that he would die. One day he came to me and told me that the will was already there “.

After reviewing the will, Roberto Palazuelos discovered that he is the heir of 50% of his property.

“He leaves 10 percent to his sister, 10 percent to Sandy, 10 percent to Margarita, 10 percent to Andresito (his son who lives in Miami), 10 percent to Leonardo and 50 percent to me.”

Why does Roberto Palazuelos inherit so much?

The news that Roberto Palazuelos will be the heir of 50% of Andrés García’s properties surprised his followers, but even the soap opera actor assured that he has a very strong friendship with the actor.

“Roberto was with me as a child when I took care of him. In his youth, Palazuelos is the one who accompanied me, he is the one who went with me. Now that I’m older, he continues to help me with legal issues, he talks to me from time to time more than my children.

When he revealed the news of his legacy, Andrés García revealed that over the years, many friends have moved away from him, but Roberto Palazuelos, who usually acts as his lawyer, has always been there.

“It seems that [mi herencia] He deserves it more than the other children, because he is the one who helped me the most, he still watches over me to this day.

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What do you think about Roberto Palazuelos inheriting 50% of Andrés García’s property? Tell us in the comments.

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