Why web pages ask to accept cookies … and other answers to Silvio Rodríguez

In his blog Segunda Cita, Cuban singer and songwriter Silvio Rodríguez responded to an Internet user about incidents of institutional violence last Wednesday in front of MINCULT and blamed the use cookies His “inability” to access the videos that revealed Minister Alpidio Alonso’s attack on independent artists.

Not only audiovisual material that collects evidence is accessible on social networks (which does not require your acceptance) cookies), but the use of these computer files should not make it impossible for any user to access, unless he refuses to grant permission for certain details of his browsing. In this case, it would also preclude certain benefits associated with them.

Silvio Rodríguez’s response to an internet user in his blog Segunda Cita

Which are cookies?

A cookie It is a data file that a webpage sends to your computer or mobile device. On these sites web storage cookieNo matter what equipment you use for navigation. I’m not spam, no computer worms and no other weird virus.

Some of them are used to collect key information for advertising purposes (a model for generating money for many web pages, such as CiberCuba), in other cases, works to customize the service offered by the site web, depending on our browser or how we use the data.

We can avoid it cookies?

Yes, there are ways to disable or block them. Something that may have triggered Silvio Rodríguez’s concern.

If you refused to allow your information to be stored on your computer, you can delete it in the “Tools” section and then click “Delete browsing data”, voila!

If the troubadour browses through his phone, he can go to “Settings”, then to “Privacy” and finally to “Delete cookies”.

The advantages and disadvantages of cookies

According to a European Union data protection report, which looked at about 500 pages web, 70% of cookies they are from third parties and follow our activity in order to offer us personalized advertising.

On the one hand, cookies They can be very helpful in improving our online experience by creating a user profile and avoiding filling out endless forms, passwords and contact sheets over and over again.

However, in terms of privacy, we need to know that even less so cookies activate, we will have more privacy when browsing webHowever, we will have even less customization and more inconvenient and lethargic access will be made to each site.

Thus, the key is to find a balance between confidentiality and experience, analyzing the real and objective risks we take: whether we manage real sensitive information, whether we are willing to enter passwords every time we click on a browser, or whether from a another perspective, we appreciate our personal information to the point of avoiding our traces in any access.

The facts that Silvio Rodríguez could not see

The troubadour said on Thursday that he saw only one of the videos in which the Deputy Minister of Culture, Fernando Rojas, invites young people to join the organization. “The rest, very confusing,” he said.

On social media and in the media, Rodríguez will be able, if interested, to access images, videos and testimonies of the participants this January 27 at the event at the ministry’s headquarters.

The group, made up of artists, freelance journalists and members of civil society, appeared on the spot after Rojas convened several of the 27N members at a meeting to resume a dialogue they had promised at the November protest and which they had never fulfilled.

The young people tried accompany those who were to meet with officials and denounces the arbitrary arrests that day of several Cubans on their way to that place.

Police and the army surrounded the area around the building, preventing it from entering, even in those who had an agreed meeting, such as the playwright Yunior García.

In the video that the troubadour managed to see, the deputy minister invites them to come to the institution. It is likely that Rodríguez will not have access to those who listen to Rojas himself when he asks him to leave his mobile phones outside and that the problem of arrests will be seen later.

Rodriguez also failed to review when Culture Minister Alpidio Alonso responded violently to protesters and he slaps one of the journalists filming with his cell phone.

A crowd of soldiers and policemen, in uniform and dressed in civilian clothes, forcibly evacuated the place and took the protesters to a bus. The testimonies of the beatings received by some and violations suffered by others, are also available.

Silvio Rodríguez can access them whenever he likes.
