Why skipping rope is the exercise you need (and a best-selling rope to start with) | shop

Looking for a cheap and easy way to get around? The solution may be to jump on the rope, a very complete activity, available to almost everyone and which can be practiced anywhere. As Mario Peña, head of the Estudio LIFE training center, explains, “The skipping rope is an intense cardiovascular exercise, because any exercise that requires jumps or impacts causes the heart rate to increase faster, generating a higher caloric expenditure ”. That is why its biggest benefit “is to do intense aerobic work in minutes”Peña remembers. More, “It doesn’t require expensive space or material.”

By jumping rope we work an excellent quality of the body muscles and, as the expert points out, “it is the preferred exercise of boxing, because it greatly improves coordination, agility, speed … Little by little we are able to jump better, in different ways, rhythms, etc. Which helps to improve endurance in ring”.

Thinking of those who want to dare to introduce this exercise in their training routines EL PAÍS The showcase we have selected a skipping rope model that exceeds 19,900 ratings on Amazon. It is a rope with an ergonomic and adjustable design that can be adapted to different people: the length can be shortened to taste and depending on the height of each.

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What to consider to start jumping rope

The personal trainer remembers that “as in everything, we have to start slowly and taking into account our limitations and injuries”. Peña advises “it starts with little time and gradually increases to listen to our body coming days. In this way, we will know what changes this exercise involves in order to be able to act / respond to them without hurting ourselves ”.

For beginners, for example, it is common for the neck area to be loaded “because the shoulder is the main muscle involved in the movement of the rope,” explains Peña. The same goes for the back, so as not to hurt it “it is very important to have all our central muscles (the core) strong”. And, in terms of the impact on the legs, the coach indicates that “if used with short jumps, it generally does not cause injuries to the ankles and knees.”

For exercise to be effective and healthy, the expert recommends dedicating ten minutes a day. “Later, if the goal is to increase fitness or fat loss, we will play with the types of training according to intensities, intervals, duration, rope weight, etc.,” he explains.

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How to choose a rope fitness

I would look at the type of rope / cable I wanted. Whether it is fast or difficult “, indicates the person in charge of the LIFE study. “It is advisable to start with fasting and which has a good rope attachment, adapted to the user, with a comfortable handle”.

This best-selling model on Amazon, for example, has features Two non-slip memory foam handles. In addition, they are equipped with bearings that rotate 360 ​​degrees to promote a smooth rotation of the rope and prevent it from occurring. The cable, which is made of steel and covered with PVC, can be shortened to fit the height of each user. To find out the right length for each person, simply step with both feet in the middle of the rope and bring the handles to the height of the armpits. When not in use it can be easily stored and is an easy and convenient accessory to carry.

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Buy with EUR 8.99 on Amazon

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