White House urged highest federal prosecutor in Atlanta resign: report

White House officials have reportedly lobbied the Department of Justice (DOJ) to pressure the former highest federal prosecutor in Atlanta to resign out of frustration that he would not investigate voter fraud claims.

At the request of the White House, a top Justice Department official called former U.S. attorney Byung Pak on January 3 and told him President TrumpDonald Trump Kim says North Korean efforts will focus on bringing the US to its knees. Pelosi urges Democrats to prepare to return to DC this week amid impeachment calls Ken Klippenstein: ‘Ideological’ blind spot kept law enforcement from responding urgently to Capitol riots MORE was outraged by a lack of investigation into voter fraud allegations, The Wall Street Journal reported. The DOJ official reportedly told him Trump wanted to fire Pak.

Pak, a Trump-appointed person, announced his resignation the next day and wrote to his colleagues that he was proud to “work very closely with our law enforcement partners to keep our communities safe.”

It is not uncommon for a federal prosecutor to leave his post before a new presidential administration is inaugurated, but Pak’s departure comes just weeks after the audio of a phone call between Trump and the Republican Georgia Secretary of State hearing the president has been released. pressuring Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes for him to win the November presidential election.

Critics have said the call could be evidence of a possible crime.

In a separate internal memo, Pak said his departure was due to “unforeseen circumstances,” Talking Points Memo first reported. Trump named Bobby Christine the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia on Jan. 5.

Trump has consistently attacked elections and law enforcement officials in Georgia since his loss in the November presidential election, claiming they ignore unproven claims of widespread fraud that tipped the election in Biden’s favor.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
