When healthy food can hurt you


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Excessive fixation of healthy foods can be harmful, says Iván Alimenko, clinical psychologist and specialist in rational nutrition, weight loss and correction of eating disorders in an interview with Sputnik.

Today the intention to eat healthy is very popular, especially due to social networks. However, the expert warned that the advice of social media consultants should be treated with cautionbecause bloggers are often not even nutritionists.

“It has become very fashionable to take nutrition courses. This is a profession that is generally incomprehensible. People without basic medical training, without knowledge or experience, are starting to give advice on healthy diets,” he explained.

He explained that these alleged experts usually recommend the consumption of superfoods. This term is not recognized by science can designate virtually anything: chia seeds, spirulina, goji berries and various other berries, lactose-free and gluten-free foods and herbal milk.

These foods, which should have incredible amounts of nutrients as a result of aggressive advertising, cost more than traditional foods, Alimenko said.

In addition, the specialist pointed out that do not expect miraculous results after consuming them.

“There are very few benefits from these foods. If you do not have specific allergic reactions or rare problems with the metabolism of trace elements and vitamins, they are simply value-added products,” he said.

At the same time, the specialist raised another issue of the availability of information of all kinds: orthorexia. It is an eating disorder that occurs when a person chooses to eat only foods that they consider healthy.

“In search of something perfect, we can overpay for medium-quality products or for products whose flavor or composition of protein, fat and carbohydrates does not differ from ordinary foods,” warned Alimenko.

Eating disorders have become as common as healthy eating experts, he pointed out. The expert sees the cause in the limitations that a person puts on himself and does not allow himself to eat what he likes. Consequently, you do not have a feeling of satisfaction because of the food, consuming in large quantities unappreciated and supposedly very healthy foods.

“For example, a person dreams of a cake, but eats nuts that also contain many calories. He gains weight and does not feel pleasure, and the feeling follows him: “I restrict myself in everything, I can not afford anything and it is useless” Fear of tasty foods with additives and flavor enhancers impoverishes our diet, creating the risk of dietary depression and restrictive eating behavior “, said the specialist.

People with orthorexia find it difficult to socialize, they become anxious because someone eats differently, they are very neurotic at any meal, which creates problems for their adaptation, he said.
