WhatsApp scam that will steal all your data Be careful!

That’s right, a new scam from WhatsApp Arrived and this time uses one of the oldest computing techniques, social engineering, however, it is very easy to avoid, but you have to be very careful with it.

There is no doubt that the weakest link in computer security and the privacy of our data is people and that you can have the most secure system in the world, but if you manage to fool someone who already has access to allow you to enter, it doesn’t matter.

For this reason, many data theft techniques It does not focus on breaking systems, but on deceiving people.

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Sometimes it is simpler and, with a little effort, it can be semi-automated, in fact it is the case of a new scam, which is not really new, because it has been done for years in other countries.

However, his practice has recently spread to Spain and Latin America and has taken many by surprise.

So much so that the Catalan police, Mossos d’Esquadra, warned about these messages fraud and the danger it poses, as it would eliminate access to your accounts and you would lose a lot of data, social networks or even access to your bank accounts.

The attack increased in early 2020, but throughout the year, with the condition of health and so many people at home, it spread much more.

Did you receive an SMS like this? DO NOT ANSWER IT !!! This is the message with the verification code for installation. If you give it to a third party, it will control your account on its device and, with it, will access all groups and contacts “, says the post on Twitter.

The truth is that it is as simple as it is effective and if you receive a message from a contact you know and I tell you, simply:

Hello. I am sorry. I sent you a 6-digit code by SMS by mistake. Can you send me? It’s urgent”.

It is a phishing technique that performs social engineering through identity theft in which the attackers enter the phone number of the WhatsApp accounts they want to obtain and activate the verification process, which sends an SMS.

It is worth mentioning that phishing identity theft through social engineering is one of the oldest hacking techniques in computer security.

The attackers then act as an acquaintance of the victim, using a WhatsApp account that they have already violated and already have.

The latter makes many people unaware that it is an attempt at social hacking and many people, as is normal, fall into it.

The same practice could be used to try to access other accounts, not just WhatsApp, because other services, including banks, use SMS verification, it is relatively easy to gain access.

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That’s why it’s so important to be very careful and never send out phone numbers SMS verification to others, even if they are contacts we know, because it can be an attacker who presents himself as someone else.

However, there is a solution for those who have fallen in love with this type of phishing scam to try to identify themselves.

Fortunately, the very technique used to steal an account is what makes it so easy to recover.

Since the application connects a person and their account with their phone number, we just need to restart the process of connecting to our WhatsApp and ask them to resend the verification code via SMS, enter it and regain access.
