What changes does the Clausura 2021 tournament that starts on Tuesday bring? Everything you need to know – Ten

The wait is over. The tournament starts this Tuesday Closing of 2021 in Honduras and one of the significant changes it would bring would be the return of fans to the stadiums.

The captain is back! This would be 11 from Motagua at the start of the Clausura 2021 tournament

The National League has confirmed that it has already submitted Sinager biosecurity protocols and hopes that on the 3rd or 4th of the competition it will be able to have an audience in the stands.

What changes does this new tournament bring? Some fans are wondering. Then we clarify everything.


The tournament will be played in the same format as the Apertura tournament; two groups in areas with five clubs. Three rounds will be played, and the teams that finish leading will qualify directly in the semifinals and will play a final to define the winner of the rounds and the ticket for the final. The second and third from each group will meet in the playoffs to define the other two semifinalists. If the winner of this final court is the same as the one who won rounds, champions will be crowned, if it is another club, there will be a final to define the champion.

Biosafety measures

A meeting was held on Saturday to confirm the biosecurity measures and there were no changes. It will continue with the mandatory washing of hands with soap and water, the application of the gel for all players, the technical and administrative body authorized to enter each game. Clubs will perform rapid tests alternating with real-time PCR. In the event of a positive case, you must comply with a mandatory quarantine and you will receive medical assistance.

Foreign quotas

Six clubs signed up for a League meeting to approve six foreigners per team, but it was not approved. In Clause 2021, the four foreigners will remain. Only in the Assembly that will take place in June or July of this year can be changed.

The team that accumulates the least amount of points in the accumulated table will be relegated to the Promotion League. If there is a tie between two teams, round-robin matches will be played. If there is a tie in the 180 minutes, the extra time will be played and if the tie persists, it will be defined by penalties. If there is a tie between three teams, a triangle will be played in one round, the last one will go down in the second.

The Closing 2021 of the Promotion League starts on February 27th. The authorities have approved that the champion of the respective contest will face Atlético Pinares (champion of Apertura 2019) to define the new tenant of the National League, but Fenafuth will not validate the title of Ocotepeque.

Rules for players under 20 years of age
The use of 420 minutes by a U-20 player born on or after 1 January 2001 remains mandatory. One club may replace one U-20 with another during an official game. In case of expulsion, the affected team can replace it by bringing another. The club that does not comply with this provision will be penalized with the loss of 3 points at the end of the rounds.
