Wedding of Cuban actress Yenisse Soria and Leonardo Benítez, the popular police officer Tras la Huella

2 | 21/02/2021 – 20:06 (GMT-4)

Cuban actress Yenisse Soria married Leonardo Benítez, the popular space police, in Havana After the Fingerprint, and both wanted to share a humorous message with their fans.

The couple shared a video on Instagram where from a convertible car and wedding dresses confirmed the wedding celebration on Sunday afternoon. “Love in the days of coronavirus”, they titled their post.

“For the women who said that Leonardo Benítez is not getting married, I took him well,” said the actress, laughing, mentioned in the soap operas. Santa María del Porvenir, When love is not enough and the series Breaking the silence.

“I took it with love, I took it with understanding,” said Yenisse Soria.

The popular actor said, in turn, that he feels the happiest man on earth and that the decision to get married was the best thing that ever happened to him in his life.

In the Soria report, the actress also shared a photo of the wedding and a message of happiness.

“That’s how it works … pure love !!! With fireworks included. The happiness of my people Felicidaaaad …”, he said.

The confirmation of the wedding generated over 5,000 reactions on the social network, from colleagues and fans who wish the couple many years of happiness.

Leonardo Benitez in addition to working in the police On the path He is remembered for his performance in more than 15 films, including City in red (2009), by Rebeca Chávez; 7 days in Havana (2012), by various directors; Fatima or Fraternity Park (2015), by Jorge Perugorría; Ambush (2015), by Alejandro Gil; 4 stations in Havana (2016), by Félix Vizcarret and in the melancholic comedy “Habana Selfies”, released on the island in 2019.

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