We must continue to clear stones from the road, says the first foreign military attaché

Lieutenant Colonel Guadalupe Alvarado Ortiz She sought to enlist in the United Nations peacekeeping missions conducted by the blue helmets, but without intending to do so, she became the first deputy military attaché in a foreign representation in Mexico.

She is a military assistant and also due to the opening of the spaces to female staff in the Secretariat of National Defense (Seden) arrived in the diplomatic field, for which he had to prepare.

Out of 80 candidates, women and men, the lieutenant-colonel was selected as a deputy military attaché at the Mexican embassy in South Africa, after participating in a competition held in January 2020.

“It is a responsibility because I am the first woman in this position and you have to set an excellent precedent for the future. female generations our Armed forces, that they also feel that call to serve Mexico in this type of commission and to prepare, “he says. THE UNIVERSAL.

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In the International Women’s Day, Alvarado Ortiz believes that the current responsibility of women is “to continue cleaning the road, removing those pebbles that some women may have” and preventing them from developing on an equal footing.

How did you find out that you would be the first deputy military attaché?

“When I got my document, I was surprised because I was looking for an opportunity to go to the UN peacekeeping forces, and suddenly, when I saw it, I thought I was leaving.” EL-HER-IT and not as a military attaché, it was very shocking. I was in a very beautiful moment in my career, I was the director of the Child Development Center number 1, I was fascinated by that meeting learning things.

What tasks do you perform in the attachment?

—In general, the task of military attachés is to serve as a bridge of communication, coordination and liaison for Seden with Armed forces in countries where Mexico has a presence.

This aims at exchanging experiences, reaching agreements for the benefit of our country, especially our armed institute in various fields, such as education, science and health.

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How do you appreciate the contribution of women to the Mexican Armed Forces?

—I think the most important contribution we have as part of army is that openness to personal female in areas that were previously exclusively for men, it allows managers to observe, through a different perspective, areas of opportunity and improvement that have an impact on the benefit of all staff.

An example is that a child development center and not only because women grew up, but it also gave men the opportunity to take their children. The evolution of society is notorious and we have different types of families, there are single parents and it was open for them, I think it is one of the great contributions.

On International Women’s Day, what is your message to women?

—All women must understand that the freedoms that women offer us today are a collective effort. In the struggle there has been a long history, many women fought for equal rights, equal treatment and the protection of the various interests that affect us due to our quality and gender status.

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Our current responsibility is to continue to clear the way, removing those pebbles that some women may have, but it is also liberation, so that future generations can move on, it is also to prepare us. he raised his voice When necessary, in order to support and defend other women who do not have the conditions or a clear path of thorns, at the end of the day it is always to support each other and continue to sow a good precedent.

What are your aspirations as a woman and in the army?

– As a soldier, keep getting up, because this is our aspiration, at the end of the day our whole career is reflected and rewarded with promotions. I think I have achieved all my goals, but every time new opportunities arise, this is one.

Years ago I wouldn’t have thought I was one military attache Because I didn’t have a chance, I couldn’t get through your head Say a fixed goal … I don’t have it now, I’m open to possibilities, here it’s important to be prepared and now I have to enter the opportunity and if you win that place , do everything you can. Currently, my first goal is to perform well in this committee, which would be one of the highest priority goals.

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What message do you send to women interested in joining the military?

—When I joined the army, the slogan was “Mexican Army, an option in your future,” and the truth is that it was an option in my future, and now I think that when you join the military you have great opportunities to represent Mexico and work in a different, creative way and close to our society. That would be the main message, we really work every day and each of us as soldiers.
