We are a fire in bed: Ninel Conde dedicates a song to Larry Ramos

After 10 years without a new album, Ninel Conde returned to the recording studios to bring the audience, 12 topics and even some of them, she composed them herself, “I’m always interested in ‘what’s going on with Ninel?’ “So you want to know the reality? These are the topics they thought of, there are even some topics that I co-author. “commented the.

The first one you could hear a little about is the single “Life with you”, what he says, is dedicated to her husband, Larry Ramos, “This song is 100% experiential, it’s composed for me and it talks about a woman who says, ‘waking up with you means you have heaven at my feet, an eternal spring are your kisses, I have to admit I forgot yesterday if your hands are having fun with my hair ‘”He confessed in an interview for the program “Hoy”.

Listen to a song dedicated to Larry Ramos:

Other parts of the song of the genre “urban cumbiaI also say: “What a blessing it is to be yours, how lucky you are to be mine”, “to love you is crazy”, “We are a fire in bed”, “How beautiful life is with you” and “with you there is nothing to lose”.

ninel conde larry ramos song wedding

Ninel said she was happy to have him support from people who love her, even if there are not such pleasant moments in your life now, “Grateful to God, there are complex things in life, but hey, you have to step forward and count the blessings, and this album is a huge blessing and is obviously supported and supported by the people who love me.”.

ninel conde larry ramos song wedding

In another interview with Ventaneando, Ninel confessed that her husband, Larry Ramos, which adds several complaints against him for fraud, he did not support her financially for the production of this album and supports it only morally, because it says, a group of investors who believed in her, are the ones who shelter her financially in this return to music.

She told her about the production of her album and whether her husband was financially involved:
