Watch Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter discuss the role of the Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.
Image: Warner Bros.

Two actresses, an iconic superhero. Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter both played a major role in keeping Wonder Woman a diploma the figure of pop cultureand now they sat down together for a short convincing conversation about the experience.

On Instagram, Gadot and Carter discuss becoming a Wonder Woman, how they approach the role and what it meant to them. Carter played a huge role in shaping the way the character would to be adapted later and she talks about it here the choice to play the character as a serious figure, not as a cartoon character, but as a strong inspiration. “My main goal it was that women would love her, ”she said.

And Gadot, in turn, talks about how she was thrown, which involved her screaming on a plane, as well as her own thoughts about Wonder Woman as a character. Both actresses are very fond of this character, and their connection with him is a pleasure.

Wonder Woman 1984 It is streaming on HBO Max.

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