Wait, is Halo Infinite late until 2022?

Wait, it is Halo Infinite to be postponed until 2022? The new Hate the game was originally scheduled to launch Holiday 2020, alongside Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S and also via Xbox One and PC, but then was postponed until the end of 2021. Since its delay, I haven’t seen much much of the game beyond development updates. That being said, the game is still scheduled to be released later this year, but now some players are worried it could escape by 2022.

Over Twitter, Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier recently responded to a tweet suggesting that both Halo Infinite and Starfield I’m about to launch this year with a “I don’t know about this”, which naturally has Hate fans a little worried. That being said, if you’re a Hate fan, no need to sound the alarms, at least not yet.

First, it’s not clear if Schreier’s answer refers to both games, only Halo Infinite, or just Starfield. In other words, there’s a chance it’s not even there Halo Infinite. Second, it is not clear how much of this skepticism is based on things Schreier has heard about his own expectations. A lot of games have already been delayed from 2021 to 2022 and I know at least a few more to be added to the year of delays.

For what it’s worth, several sources – ranging from credible to less than credible – have argued Starfield launches this year, which it could do Halo Infinite the more likely of the two to be delayed, but given this Halo Infinite was supposed to launch the 2020 holiday, it’s hard to imagine it slipping by 2022. It’s not impossible, but that would be a pretty substantial blunder by Microsoft and 343 Industries.

At the time of publication, none of the above parties commented on any of the above speculations. That being said, if this changes, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, for more coverage on the upcoming sci-fi shooter and all the games – including all the other latest pieces of speculation that are making the rounds – click here.
