Vianney Trejo, Paralympic swimmer, harassed by clip in swimsuit

Mexico City /

A creative video has become a sexualized video after dozens of users will overturn with “grotesque” comments in a video of the Paralympic swimmer Vianney Trejo. Trejo took some time to create a video tick creative in which he is seen wearing differently swimsuit models and dancing.

While the same parathlete He admitted that he does not have many followers in the mentioned network, the images began to go viral and lots of comments amazednot the swimmer by the way they were made.

There were comments that made me disrespectful and not just for me, but to all women, because I made that video with the desire to show me the swimsuits, de to have fun, but I didn’t do a dance for people to sexualize in this way and I found comments from “how many likes for you to do on your back”, “you made me finish just to see you”, “I would put you in four” “, the student cried at psychology in a video Instagram explaining the situation.

The insults in the video, which has more than 400,000 views on TikTokThey came from all sorts of people, including those men whose profile picture showed their family as a wife or children.

The lack of respect is truly incredible what exists towards women and something that surprised me was the fact that many people who made that kind of comments to me, in their profile photo they had a photo with their daughter, with his wife, a woman next to him“, He explained.

On the other hand, Paola Espinosa support Trejo and applauded the courage he had in doing so denounces the public and revealing the men who verbally assaulted her.

Dear Vianney Trejo, you are admirable from all points of view, that nothing and no one stops you light. you very brave reporting these attacks that you or anyone else doesn’t deserve. You are a champion, I love you and I admire you “, wrote Paola.

