Valheim mode allows you to make a real number on your character’s bones.

The illustration of the article entitled Valheim Module allows you to make a real number on your character's bones.

Picture: An0nymooose / Iron Gate AB

STEAMEDSTEAMEDSteamed is dedicated to all things in and around Valve’s computer games service.

You want to come back Valheim character in a chimera creature with a skyscraper trunk and legs that looks like a bar stool? Neither do I, but, uh, now you can!

An0nymooose’s “BoneMod” (via Rock paper rifle) allows you to customize your character’s bone scale via in-game chat commands. Since normally Valheim character creation is a rather constrained process, the mode gives you granular control over the jaw, head, chest, neck, spine, arms, legs, hands and feet of your Viking resident.

While you could probably make a guy with a perfectly sensitive look, gal or a binary friend this way, An0nymooose chose to show off his versatility with some real guys, like Stretch Headstrong here:


Picture: An0nymooose / Iron Gate AB

And the beautiful King Tors:


Picture: An0nymooose / Iron Gate AB

And how could we forget Chinwag, the most fooled of Odin’s many sons:


Picture: An0nymooose / Iron Gate AB

Many ways nowadays introduce functions or ideas that developers have left on the drawing board, long demanded. But we must not forget those who start with a crazy idea, say “Why not?” And I see it to the end. They are the bravest of them all – without Bonemasses.

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