US coronavirus: The country could soon reach a peak in terms of Covid-19 vaccine demand. That is why it is worrying

“While the timing may differ depending on the state, we estimate that in the US as a whole, we will likely reach a tipping point on vaccine enthusiasm in the next 2 to 4 weeks,” the Kaiser Family Foundation said in a new report. published on Tuesday.

Once this happens, efforts to encourage vaccination will become much more difficult, presenting a challenge to achieve the levels of herd immunity that are expected to be needed.

Health officials – including Dr. Anthony Fauci – estimate that somewhere between 70% and 85% of the country must be immune to the virus – either by inoculation or previous infection – to suppress it is widespread.
To date, approximately 40.1% of the population has received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And about 26% of the population is completely vaccinated, the data show.
A slowed-down vaccine demand now, experts say, could give dangerous variants of coronavirus the opportunity to continue to move, spread and trigger new growths – and could delay the country’s return to an appearance of normalcy.
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“We have slots that remain unfilled”

Parts of the US already see fewer people signing up for a coup.
Younger Americans are less likely to get vaccinated

Kristy Fryman, emergency response coordinator and public information officer for Ohio’s Mercer County Health District, told CNN Tuesday that the county’s demand for vaccines is “slowing down.”

The younger population of the county is not as eager to get vaccinated, Fryman said, and “they feel that if they get Covid, it might not be as bad.”

Others, she said, choose to wait “to see what the side effects are.”

“We went back to the drawing board, trying to figure out how to vaccinate more people, but … we can only do so much,” Fryman added.

Just over 27 percent of the county’s population has started vaccinations against Covid-19, according to the Covid-19 vaccine dashboard in Ohio.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Mercer County was among the most affected parts of the state. Now, Fryman said, the county is once again reporting an increase in Covid-19 cases.

“It is worrying that we are seeing an increase and that the population does not want to be vaccinated,” she said.

In Spring Lake, Michigan, emergency room doctor Dr. Rob Davidson said Tuesday that local officials there are increasingly worried about the hesitation they see.

“We have empty slots, I know in western Michigan and elsewhere, especially in rural Michigan,” he said.

Experts recommend that people continue to wear the mask after the vaccine

For Americans who are completely vaccinated, experts said it is best to continue wearing a mask.

“If you’re vaccinated, you protect yourself and you probably won’t get sick, but we don’t know how long the virus will live in the respiratory system after you catch it,” said Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, an internal medicine specialist and CNN medical analyst. Tuesday. “Therefore, you are potentially contagious to others.”

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Regarding the meetings, Rodriguez said fully vaccinated Americans should choose to meet only with others who are also vaccinated.

Experts stressed that even as vaccinations increase, it will be important for people to follow Covid-19 safety measures until the country succeeds in suppressing the spread of the virus.

But as more fires are administered, fewer Americans are practicing public health mitigation measures, according to the results of a survey published by Axios-Ipsos released Tuesday. The survey was conducted between April 16 and 19 and consisted of a representative sample of over 1,000 American adults.

About 61% of respondents are socially distanced, which is down six percentage points from last month and 13 points from two months ago.

The percentage of people wearing a mask at any time when they leave the house – 63% – is the lowest in the summer and has decreased by 10 percentage points since two months ago.

And, at a time when cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations are on the rise, the perceived risk of returning to pre-coronavirus life is the lowest ever – 52%.

Meanwhile, the perceived risks associated with activities such as shopping in retail and grocery stores and attending sporting events is also declining.

CNN’s Naomi Thomas and Maggie Fox contributed to this report.
