US Congressman attributes immigration crisis to corrupt and failed governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

Democratic Congressman Norma Torres said many migrants are fleeing “narco governments” led by Nayib Bukele, Juan Orlando Hernández and Alejandro Giammattei.

Last Wednesday, Democratic Congressman Norma Torres attributed the increase in unaccompanied minors and irregular migrants to the “corrupt and failed” governments of the countries of the Northern Triangle of Central America, a sub-region that includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

In a video posted to her Twitter account, the US legislator stated that she was going to Carrizo Springs, a Texas town located several miles from major border points between the United States and Mexico.

SEE: US Congressmen urge Bukele to stay away from speeches about political violence

The visit, Torres said, is “to investigate the circumstances of children traveling alone to the United States.” Most of these are of Central American origin.

Likewise, the Democratic congressman said that “this is a crisis created by the narco governments and by the corrupt and failed leaders” of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Norma Torres has been very critical of Nayib Bukele’s governments, in El Salvador; Alejandro Giammattei, in his native country of Guatemala; and Juan Orlando Hernández, in Honduras. This is because it believes that the lack of transparency, the signs of corruption in its administrations and the blows to the institutions are the reason for the mass exodus of its citizens, who want to arrive in the United States without documents.

His diagnosis coincides with that of the Joe Biden administration, who identifies the lack of economic opportunity, insecurity, corruption and weak institutions as the factors driving thousands of people to immigrate illegally to the United States.

In addition, she has been a fierce critic of the Bukele government and has promoted the need for the Salvadoran government to cut aid, while showing no substantial changes in her autocratic way.

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