Untouchable Adult Culture Guide: Great Shanties, Ahoy!

Illustration for the article entitled The Guide for Adults Who Don't Touch Children's Culture: Sea Ghosts, Ahoy!

Illustration: tsuneomp (Shutterstock)

Internet CultureInternet CultureIt’s hard to keep up with internet culture, but don’t worry: every week we’ll tell you what you need to know.

This week potpourri of nonsense-you-may-not-know-about takes us from whaling ships in the 1800s to the hottest hype houses of 2021, with a stop in Lental to catch some Pokémon.

TikTok trend of the week: shipyards

Future sociologists and cultural historians will write dissertations in which they will discuss why, exactly, the songs originally sung by marine workers in the 1800s are the hottest trend on TikTok this week. But here we are: Marine Shanties are the dangers of the moment.

The seafood advertising device seems to have started with a video of Scottish postman Nathan Evans singing “The Wellerman, ”And it exploded from there. Others have begun recording their own songs, adding his voices to Evans’ video, creating parodies, trying to figure it out, and otherwise honoring / cutting and screwing this musical form, but forgotten. But it really took off this hilarious video from Beertheist which demonstrates in 44 seconds how marine shanties are at first ridiculous, then charming and ultimately irresistible.

This week in games: Pokémon Snap release date announced

Nintendo is loved because it carried its well-worn intellectual properties from console to console, creating spiffed-up versions of older titles, then launching almost the same game on newer cars. (I’m not complaininghis is all I want Nintendo to ever do). Favorite for players Pokémon Snap, although, has not been seen on a Nintendo 64 console since 1999. Snap missed GameCube, DS, Wii and Wii U, but to celebrate 25of Pokémon anniversary, comes on Nintendo Switch on April 30.

If you did not play it during the day, Pokémon Snap it’s the best: you’re a photographer and your job (I think it’s your job?) is to travel around you taking pictures of Pokémon. That’s about it. Screw shy pocket monsters into desserts, jungle and other environments, and your photos get points depending on their composition. If it is as good as the original, it will be much better than anything you will ever do in your life. Watch the new trailer and you’ll see.

Definition of the week: “Hype house”

The meme-based presidential candidate and hope for New York City Mayor Andrew Yang recently said part of his plan for Gotham involves encouraging “advertising houses” to move into the city. If you’re too busy “having a job” and “living your life” to know what a hype house is, here’s the explanation: Young influencers and social media content have moved into expensive mansions together to collaborate artistically, they post tons of TikTok Videos and otherwise annoy their rich neighbors. Think of it as Andy Warhol’s Factory, but with less heroin and nothing as cool as The Velvet Underground.

“Hype house” was invented in December, when 19 of the most influential the people at TikTok all moved to a Spanish-style mansion in Los Angeles and called themselves “Hype House.” Now is the generic term for any of the hundreds of similar arrangements across the country, whether it’s a player bang on YouTube, a pride of Instagram influencers or a TikTok aviary. The trend of internet people living together dates back to 2014, when YouTubers invaded elegant neighborhoods in LA and never left, and like everything young people do, it’s annoying and terrible. Wait, I mean it’s wonderful and the best!

This week on cats on the internet: Cats vs. technology

Cats have been a staple of the internet since the late 1940s, and this week our feline friends are making a big presentation on Redit. Pisici vs. Subreddit technology was originally formed in 2014, but for reasons known only to the gods of the internet, explodes in January 2021. This fast-growing subreddit contains videos and pictures of cats sitting on warm laptops, finding out how water coolers work, or trying to fool their automatic feeder. In other words, there are cats in it, and the cats are pretty good. Especially when they’re on the internet and I don’t have to take their shit out of a laundry box.

Viral video of the week: Ultra unboxing

Viral videos that people have really who share this week, are insurgents from the Chapter who boast of committing crimes, grinning frighteningly while stealing otters and incitement to violence, but that’s all kind of depressing, so instead, let’s calm our tangled nerves with some Unbox therapy! Unboxing videos are a weird hypnotic subgenre of YouTube videos where someone opens a box with a new product in it and shows the content and The latest Unbox therapy is an epic. It featured the full range of Samsung Galaxy S21 products, including Ultra 5G S21, Galaxy S21, and S21 +, plus Galaxy Buds headphones. It’s 22 minutes of hardcore, uncensored unboxing, where mobile phones are removed from their packaging and displayed in clear HD format. You can see every port of the connector, every cable of the charger, all the objectives of the camera …God, when you remove the plastic protective sheet from the display panel …
