University: Paulo de la Cruz I regret that I left U in 2021, but I see the positive side because it will seek to get continuity in another Liga 1 Movistar team

Paulo de la Cruz’s career is just beginning, but this time he will have to continue his journey away from Universitario. The 21-year-old midfielder did not enter the plans Angel Comizzo for the 2021 season and for this reason he became a free player, who has not signed for any team yet.

A few weeks after learning of his departure from the cream shop, the footballer said details in an interview with Gol Peru. “Leaving the University was complicated, but it was due to an improvement problem and achieved the desired continuity. As for football, I think it was good “, said Paulo de la Cruz.

The youth and the excellent quality he has with the ball could open the doors of some teams from League 1 for this new season. “They sent me to play with the reserve and I confronted him. This is football, you have ups and downs. Now I am analyzing proposals “, added the flyer during the conversation.

“I have nothing concrete yet. I feel that I still have a lot to offer, I am only 21 years old “, the footballer underlined. Time is running out and he will have to speed up the process to sign for a team before finishing the assembly, as he also needs a pre-season to join.

Finally, he expressed a small regret that he had left the University. “It made me nostalgic to see my colleagues on screen,” said Paulo de la Cruz. Football takes many turns and there may be an opportunity to return to Ate in the future, after standing out at a good level.

How many games did Paulo de la Cruz play at the University?

Paulo de la Cruz officially appeared with Universitario during the 2018 season, in which he participated in 13 games (only three beginners). In 2019 he played 15 times (nine from the beginning) and appeared in 7 games in 2020. In these encounters with the creams he failed to shine in the best way.
