University co-operative discoveries of insecurity Bankruptcy administrators affected assets Ana Peña investigation gremco corp

University fans have been looking forward to the Indecopi press conference, where the real situation of the club’s debt to Gremco will be revealed. call and the rest of the creditors. This statement was led by Ana Peña, who together with a specialized team carried out in recent months a careful investigation into the reality of the merengue team.

Among the most important issues exposed, the state entity estimates that the temporary administrations would have directly affected the club’s assets during each of its efforts due to errors in the records and overpayments to third parties.

“Five administrators would not have met the requirements established by law to have a register and one would not have had a register. The administrators allegedly affected the club’s assets through various behaviors: advance payments, excess bonuses, contracts and unsupported payments, “they said during the presentation.

As mentioned, the temporary administrations were established as a kind of rescue for Peruvian clubs in 2012 during the Ollanta Humala government. This call was issued to prevent the representative teams from being exposed to the risk of being liquidated due to the million-dollar debt that existed with Sunat.

However, in the special case of academic These administrators ended up being more harmful to the club than expected. In total, the cream box had five of these steps from 2012 to the current 2021.

Rocío Chávez, Norma, Polti, Raúl Leguía, Carlos Moreno, Fernando Bravo de Rueda and Sonia Alva were responsible for these proceedings, which, according to Indecopi, directly affected the assets and increased the debt of the bankruptcy. academic with Sunat, Gremco and the rest of the creditors.
