United States: anti-terrorism alarm by extremist opponents of Biden – US and Canada – International

The United States Department of Homeland Security published one anti-terrorist alert for a “climate of growing threats” linked to “violent extremists” who oppose Democrat Joe Biden’s government.

(Further: Are you traveling to the USA? Meet the new requirements of the Biden era).

Information suggests that to some violent extremists driven by ideology -with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and transition to president-, as well as other grievances fueled by untruths, they could continue to mobilize to incite violence or commit violence, ‘the ministry said in a statement.

The warning issued states that the threat of an attack “will persist in the weeks following the president’s successful inaugurationheld January 20 in Washington.

(Further: Capitol Police Chief admits “failures” during the attack).

The ministry said it had no ‘information on a specific credible plot’ but noted that ‘there have been violent disturbances in recent days’ and is concerned that “People frustrated” by the change of government “can continue to mobilize a wide spectrum of actors motivated by ideology. ”

Information suggests some violent extremists … may continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence

Violent extremists were increasingly creating threats, according to the statement
The United States has been driven by the past year the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Donald Trump’s defeat to Biden in November, police brutality and illegal immigration.

(Read here: The keys to what comes in the impeachment process against Trump).

The Department of Homeland Security believes those motivations could continue in the coming months and that the attack on Congress carried out by Trump supporters on Jan. 6, it could encourage extremists to “target elected officials and government facilities.”

More than 150 people, including members of extremist armed groups, have been arrested since the attack, described by authorities as an uprising that left five dead.


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