UNAM and IPN, with distance activities for medical students

Mexico /

After the capital’s government published in the official gazette that public and private universities in Mexico City will be able to open activities starting Monday, February 22 for health science students, UNAM and IPN reported that there will be no school openings and will continue to do so. work remotely.

National Polytechnic Institute He stressed that the health of his community is a priority. Therefore, in its training process in the fields of health sciences, it adapts to “Regulation of the professional qualification of IPN”Therefore, the study seminars currently taking place online will continue in this way, as scheduled.

The area of ​​social communication ruled out that this month will be the reopening of schools in different campuses of the Polytechnic.

This was in response to what was published this weekend in the Official Gazette of Mexico City, of the Forty-sixth Opinion by which the color of the Epidemiological Traffic Light was released, which indicates.

“Starting February 22, 2021, public and private universities based in Mexico City will be able to hold practical courses and laboratories, only for students who are waiting to complete them to graduate and who belong to any of the fields of health science and must strictly adhere to the health protection … “

Meanwhile, the social communication of Until this evening, UNAM did not consider the reopening of schools and activities would be kept at a distance.

