UEFA is ready to change the format of the Champions League

The proposal proposes the elimination of the group stage and the implementation of a format that would create another 100 games

UEFA could agree to changes to the Champions League format next week and the participation of 36 teams, according to one of its executive committee members.

Lars-Christer Olsson, who represents European national leagues on UEFA’s rules committee, said Wednesday could be a meeting if there is a proposal that can be approved.

The UEFA Clubs’ Competition Committee could approve on Tuesday a fairly accepted proposal that envisages the abolition of the group stage.

UEFA and the leaders of the main European clubs agree to incorporate four teams and that 36 clubs play a competition of all against all according to the “Swiss model” used in chess tournaments.

There are differences in the allocation of additional seats, the number of games that each team will play and the distribution of money.

The European Clubs Association wants to reserve two places for teams that have not qualified but they are in the UEFA rankings for results in previous seasons. There are those who say that this is just a way to incorporate big teams that have not qualified.

The clubs want to face ten different opponents in a format that would create another 100 games.

European leagues, made up of 30 nations, propose that three places be reserved for national champions of countries in the middle of their standings and that each team plays eight games.

The proposal of the clubs is the one that has the greatest chances to succeed.

“We have to be honest and say that the clubs have had more influence (on UEFA) than we have,” Olsson said.
