U. Chile School of Medicine points out Sinovac vaccines “safe and effective”

This Wednesday, the first day of vaccination against COVID-19 for adults aged 90 and over, School of Medicine (Famous) from the University of Chile supported the use of Coronavac, Sinovac laboratory inoculation.

In a statement, the study house stated that “vaccines analyzed and authorized by specialized national and international entities, including Sinovac vaccine, are safe and have been shown to be effective against the virus, especially against severe diseases ”.

Along the same lines, Dr. Juan Pablo Torres, the director of the famous innovation, makes a “asked the population to be vaccinated against COVID-19 ″.

Read also: “I’m very grateful, it’s wonderful”: the first reactions of older adults after vaccination

“Mass vaccination, along with compliance with prevention measures (such as the correct use of a mask, hand hygiene, social distance, space ventilation and staying home if you are ill), is today the best alternative to contain the pandemic“It simply came to our notice then.

Together, “We strongly recommend that the population follow the instructions of the health authority”.

The statement was also shared by the President of the Medical College (Colmed), Izkia Siches, who supported her message to the U. of Chile.

In the face of multiple doubts, here we support the U. of Chile to this vaccination process“, wrote.

Famed support comes after voices in the health sector questioned the use of Coronavac in vaccination, such as immunologist and academician at the same university, Dr. Maria Carmen Molina.

The professional indicated that “adults over 60 who are vaccinated with Coronavac from Sinovac may be more susceptible to infection with the virus. Authorizing its use, on the recommendation of ISP experts, means that you have no idea about immunology and endangers people’s health. “

Read also: President Piñera officially begins vaccination: “We must learn to live safely with the virus”

On the same Wednesday, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, declared that “we have the arguments of the Medical College, of the Scientific Society, of the Infectious Society, of the group of pandemic experts, of the Chilean Society of Epidemiology. The companies supported the vaccine. Why do we oppose the opinion of 20 people against a scientific society? ”.

See the full message from Famed’s innovative directory:
