Two different foldable iPhone prototypes would be subjected to first quality checks

A new report claims that the foldable test of the Foxconn iPhone consisted of two completely separate models and that both passed the quality control check of the assembler.

Following previous rumors that Foxconn is testing a foldable iPhone, a new report says it has actually tested two competing models for Apple. The testing took place at the Foxconn factory in Shenzhen and is said to have ended with both models passing the quality control.

Conformable Bani UDN, what was tested was not the finished phones, but rather the housings of these two foldable models with probably screens. The testing was specific to measure the durability of the folding mechanism.

It is said that one of the designs resembles the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip or Lenovo Moto RAZR, with a flip-phone style of internal folding screen. The other is claimed to be a dual-screen model, rather like an open book like the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

Bani UDN speculates that Apple will continue to evaluate both models and then abandon them.

Apple’s testing of foldable iPhone designs follows so many years of rumors, as well as many patent applications on the subject. Previous Foxconn testing reports have included claims that Apple will launch a foldable iPhone in September 2022.

UDN has a decent experience in terms of Apple’s supply chain. It has a significantly poorer level in predicting future Apple product plans. Thursday’s report is a hybrid of the two.
